Avalon Idea vs Ascendant II

My target speaker is either Avalon Idea or Ascendant II, I’ve a small listening area and I think these speakers are suitable for me. My question is how you compare the sound quality of Idea and Ascendant II?
Or both speakers sound very same? Unfortunately my local dealer don’t have both speakers together at this moment, but I have test Idea, very impressive and I love very much. And the dealer told me although both speakers are using same type of drive, almost same design, but Idea’s Crossover are new deign by Avalon, it has better sound than Ascendant II (more transparency). And Ascendant II is almost 15 news old, Idea should be a better choice.

BTW, Idea is about USD2060 cheaper than Ascendant II in my region.

Current system
CDP: Esoteric X-03-SE
Pre-amp: Electrocompaniet EC-4.8 Pre-amp
Power-amp: AW-180 Mono-block
Speaker: Italian Diapason Karis bookshelf speaker
CSE Isolation Transformer TX-1200 (Max. 1300W)

Showing 1 response by lotus340r

The idea are a newer speaker and really 'better' in monst of the traditoinal ways most of us assess equipment. They are more accurate, more transparent, less cabinet with a wider soundstage, more neutral and more resolution. They are fast and dynamic with better bass too. Good for all music styles. Quite an incredible speaker for the price and size IMO.

The Ascendant are warmer, a little more coloured with a (possibly pleasing) hump in the upper bass. They sound more laid back, smoother and a little more majestic perhaps. Still a wonderful speaker though and amazing value on the used market.