Auto Room Equalization?

What do you currently think of Automatic Room Equalization, Audssey, for Home Theater and Stereo uses?

I use it and love it. As close to a flat response in the specific room is what it provides.

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Quite the contrary, its precisely on topic. In case you forgot, the question you asked is: 
What do you currently think of Automatic Room Equalization

Well, that is what I think. Its based on not only very solid understanding but also extensive personal experience. 

Here's another example, perfectly on topic and precise and measurable as can be: the Fletcher Munson curve.

What this means in simple English is we human beings are not meters.

What you said, 
Frequency and Amplutide IS Audio and IS Paramount, no squeaking out of that one.

Is bull hockey. It only makes sense in the imaginary world of molecules moving back and forth. Here in the real world of human beings trying to enjoy music it makes no sense at all. For proof look no further than the above curves. What they show quite clearly is you can test and equalize to your hearts content, automatically or manually, and all you will ever be is chasing your tail. Because the minute you change the volume it all goes to hell. Which, guess what? Its music! The volume is always changing!

But you go ahead and chase your tail. When you fall down all dizzy and throwing up don't blame me.
Frequency response is but one item on a very long list of things we can hear. My impression is its like megapixels. Megapixels don't matter. Or rather, so many things matter so much more that how many megapixels a camera has is simply not relevant to taking good pictures. Frequency response is exactly like this. Only people with a rather cursory knowledge put much stock in either.

The only thing worse I guess would be automatic room correction. To continue the camera metaphor, that would be like buying the latest greatest most megapixel'd camera you can find, then shooting everything on Auto.

A little knowledge, etc, etc.