Auric Illuminator Kit

Does this product really work?

Showing 1 response by hdm

I've been using the Illuminator for a couple of weeks now and would highly recommend it. I won't play a disc without treating it, and on many discs improvements are dramatic. My system is certainly not high end, but it's pretty decent and I have found that the Illuminator works very effectively to eliminate a lot of digital glare and harshness (I have a good analogue front end) and I would agree with the remark that it tends to give digital a much more "analogue" like delivery. To me that's good, but it may not be to everyone's liking. I have also heard (as the above post says) that it may obscure detail. I don't really agree with that but everyone has to listen for themselves. I find that I'm much less of a "detail" freak than I used to be 10 or 15 years ago and more interested in musicality and a coherent presentation of the music (I want to hear something that approaches live music). I would trade off a little detail for a more relaxed presentation. In this sense, I think the Illuminator works very well and if you don't like it, you can wash it off, throw it away and you've only lost $35. Sounds like an audio bargain to me!