Aurender N10 connection with the network

I just purchased the Aurender N10 used off of Audiogon this past week.

Quick start guide tells me that the unit will connect to the network with a Cat 5 cable.  Download the phone app on my Samsung phone.  Sounds simple.


3 days later after all kind of changes for the life of me I cannot get this think connected to my network.. WTF.   Yes I restarted all my modems and routers a few times.  Nothing.

Any suggestions other than getting my money back if the guy will do that?


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Honestly, it should sound much better than just a “nice upgrade” from a MAC mini. This is a huge upgrade.


Yes, just connect the solid state drive. The Aurender’s is great at detecting attached or network drives and importing the files.

We need to talk more if you are experiencing such a small upgrade in sound quality.




I have two Aurrender. It has never been more complicated than to plunk it down. Plug in the (I use a WIFI extender with a short Ethernet cable to Aurender), turn on the unit. It lights up and as I remember gives you a code to enter on your phone / pad. Then you set up from Conductor.


To help, we need exact details of what you did and what the Aurender is saying.