Aurender and Tidal hanging up

I have an Aurender N-10 and I’m playing Tidai hi-fi streaming through it
Frequently songs from Tidal are freezing up the N10 when playing.
When I try to clear the song ,it doesn’t clear. The player freezes for a few minutes
and then reboots itself.Most times the frozen song is still in the queue and can then be deleted.
Sometimes there is a previous song that was played before the hung up song still hung up in the queue and can then be cleared.I haven’t been able to get Aurender or Tidal to fix this problem so far.
Is anyone else having this problem with Aurender and Tidal? 

Showing 12 responses by keithjacksontucson

Tidal has:
Remastered versions of many many recordings that do sound better than the original cd on the same dac

extreme convenience

cd or better resolution through the dac of your choice

deluxe editions of recording with extra tracks

vitually unlimited recordings for $20 a month

immediate creation of playlists
i replaced the conductor app, but the problem persists
I think it’s a player software issue
I have Comcast 220 Mb/s cable 
this problem I’m sure is a Aurender problem with their streming.
When streaming a track the song will not play a pond the player freezes up .If I re boot , the player comes back up with the track showing,plus the previous track that already finished
Then the tracks will clear.
this is some kind of cache clearing problem
I am sending the N-10 in for repair
I believe it is a case of streaming songs not clearing the cache after playing
I don't know if that's a solid state drive issue or a memory issue but it doesn't seem to be a Tidal problem

Aurender found no problem with the player. They were incredibly gracious and helpful. What a great company!
When I got the player back, all my my streaming problems disappeared .
I have no idea why. It may have been a temporary problem with my network, but I'm stumped right now