Auditioning Audio Gear - The Music Used

We have our usual stack, that we take with us or pull out when we have something new here. Some would even fall into Cornfedboy's confession thread :-)
What music and why do you use when auditioning audio gear? Do you use different music for different components?

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Since I primarily listen to classical music, there are a few discs I bring--Bernstein-Candide, Reference Recordings for full scale orchestral, dynamics and bass, Handel--Arias for Cuzzoni and Corelli, Concerti Grossi, both with McGeagan and the Philharmonia Baroque, on Harmonia Mundi, for female voice, small orchestra and natural sound, and the Delos Mahler 2nd, for full scale orchestra and chorus. Sometimes I'll bring The Cars and Linda Ronstadt, too, just for fun. Ultimately, I advise my friends to bring the discs they like the most and listen to the most, because a system that won't convey the enjoyment they get from their favorite discs isn't worth getting, IMO, no matter how good it is.