Audirvana problem

I posted this question last week on the Audirvana community forum but there has been no response from Damien or anyone else. That is sad. So I’m posting it here in the hope that someone here will answer. 
I recently had to replace my MacMini and now have a 2018 version. The old one was 9 years old. I recently also had my 2 RAID1 drives fail. I restored a back up of itunes albums (2000+) to a new hard drive. ITunes plays but when I switch to Audirvana no sound comes out and the DAC does not show any input as it does with iTunes. The library loads properly, the albums and songs are there in Audirvana. The song is playing according to the progress bar but no output to DAC. I have made sure that the midi output is the DAC (TEAC), the sound parameters show the output is the DAC, I have exited from itunes and BitPerfect, the Audirvana is in exclusive mode but the DAC shows no input. Cabling is all good (itunes plays through the DAC). I uninstalled and reinstalled Audirvana but still no sound. What am I missing here? There must be some other switch or parameter I have missed.
That program and their (lack of) support is so frustrating.  I tried unsuccessfully to install it on two separate windows machines and there was no help to be found.  Kind of surprising for a piece of software that really wants your money...  
thank you so much for your advice. I reset the output to no upsampling and stopped the other output options. Once I got to the unaltered output, it played! I then built it up to maximum software upsampling and it still plays! It needed to have the output parameters reset for some reason. All is well now.
I am grateful to you and all my friends at Audiogon who have been so helpful. I hope to pay it back some day. Much appreciated.
(So sad that no one at Audirvana even tried to help, not even Damien). Nonetheless now I’m groovin’ to tunes thanks to you.
You might want to make sure that Audirvana is set to output a format, or bitrate,  that your DAC can see. 
Post removed 
Thank you for your reply. I will try those variations and report back. Much appreciated!  TG 
I see this is unanswered so I'll send my thoughts: 

- Is the DAC set to the correct input?

- On my MacMini/iMac/MacPro, when the program (Roon) is playing correctly in Exclusive mode, the Audio output displayed on the Apple MIDI still shows output to the device sound output NOT the DAC. This has been explained to me as how EXCLUSIVE is used by the play software. But I've never had to manually set this, the play software (in my case, Roon) has automatically set this. Perhaps try to set the audio out to the MacMini and see if Audirvana resets it automatically.

Roon has settings that "see" and report the various endpoints in the system. DACS that are connected, Apple TVs, etc. Is it possible that in Audirvana setup you need to select the desired endpoint as that TEAC?