Audiphile Press: Am I jaded, experienced, or has it declined?

I remember Audio, Stereophile and TAS as an older teen getting me excited about music reproduction and technology. Getting out to listen to speakers and find gear I could afford to take me to music Nirvana.

I still like the gear, still like talking about it, comparing tech, sharing experiences and advice, but I can’t remember the last time I really thought "wow, that’s good writing!"

How about you?

Has too much press devolved to covering only the most expensive gear?  Do we lack better international gear coverage?  Does it all look like it could be easily written by an AI chat bot?


Showing 1 response by panzrwagn

At age 69, I've been reading audiophile magazines for 50 years. I've cut back to just Stereophile because their mix of equipment, music, and personalities is consistently the best. But to survive, they need to attract a younger, newer, and less affluent audience just beginning their audio and musical journey. They may even need to sell the idea of the audio journey to their new market. They can't just keep reviewing exclusively exotic componentry for their existing audience and remain relevant.