Audioquest vs. Others

   I realize that this post will probably open a landslide of responses but my question is focused on the comparison of Audioquest vs other manufacturers. This is not aimed to address power cables or speaker wire but only interconnect cables. Like Audioquest, many brands offer cables in a range of prices....low, medium, high, and super high. My interest is not to compare a lower price/quality cable to one that is far superior but to ask if comparisons have been done within equal price ranges of different brands.

   Yes, some systems are capable of distinguishing minute changes in a cable makeup. Some manufacturers even offer a free trial and return policy. I know that. But, in a moderately priced system, are there any opinions that would deter one from using the Audioquest brand vs another brand? Remember....staying in a comparable price range.


Showing 8 responses by tomic601

@khbaur330162 Yes, Nordost is one, i am sure many others. I keep a set of Blue Heaven interconnects along w AQ wire in my setup box. Blue is FEP.

glad to hear your wire upgrade went well.


i really do think you should chat w Bill Low - i ran a billion $ business and walked the manufacturing floor every day across multiple shifts so i could get unfiltered inputs…. Could be your conversation sets them on a new course, perhaps w open mind you will learn more.

Your gushing about Kimber power doesn’t seem to translate into the Kimber IC business, i count at least  4 different dialectric materials, cotton at the high end…..

Finally, i  admit to having mostly high end AQ wires. I takes 8 hours of labor at Vandersteen to build up 4 x 1 m speaker cables on AQ silver wire. Probably not available at Nebraska tractor supply. I do have a half meter set of Coral in my mobile recording rack patch bay, they sound lovely…

Certainly my wish for you is great sound, enjoy the music

You do for sure ;-) sort of the ideal customer. I would suggest sending that list to Bill Low and asking for a chat. As an aside, the Jitterbug is an amazing bit of gear. One famous factory automation company i worked with on a $100 m project bought them by the gross, jitter not welcome in a network of machine controllers…

For the junior economists out there, yes production cost in a luxury good rarely sets price, ignore it at some peril.
i think if your mentality is an inline 4 is a broken V8 and that things like silver, dbs , etc are “ free “ then you are correct. I think expecting a usb stick to perform well in a reference system is a great leap…

I certainly like the AQ cables in my systems, but i have others Nordost and Kimber are also well represented.

Having said all that, IMO AQ could streamline things with fewer offerings….
@stevenday thanks also, sounds like you did the smart thing and listened to music on your system, which sounds like a bunch of very fine components- certainly there is some Vandersteen/ AQ bias, momentum, synergy. The two designers are friends, collaborating and sharing at least one patent and many Vandy dealers carry AQ and other brands. My Ref system is all AQ wire, but your post certainly has me interested in listening to other wire, easy since I need a meter or less, right now it is WEL. I assume Synergistic terminated your wire in Vandy size spades?
my Treo system is Kimber and Nordost, my vintage system is a mix of fun stuff when copper ruled!!!

have fun
Also check with Audioquest on upgrade to higher voltage DBS pack

Vandersteen amplifiers have 128 v DBS built in. Bill Low and Richard Vandersteen share the DBS patent and both believe more voltage is better...