Audioquest vs. Others

   I realize that this post will probably open a landslide of responses but my question is focused on the comparison of Audioquest vs other manufacturers. This is not aimed to address power cables or speaker wire but only interconnect cables. Like Audioquest, many brands offer cables in a range of prices....low, medium, high, and super high. My interest is not to compare a lower price/quality cable to one that is far superior but to ask if comparisons have been done within equal price ranges of different brands.

   Yes, some systems are capable of distinguishing minute changes in a cable makeup. Some manufacturers even offer a free trial and return policy. I know that. But, in a moderately priced system, are there any opinions that would deter one from using the Audioquest brand vs another brand? Remember....staying in a comparable price range.


Showing 5 responses by stereo5

AudioQuest makes excellent cables and if you are just starting out, they would be a logical cable choice.  I used their cables for years before moving on to other brands.  You really can’t go wrong. 

It may be hard to believe, but always trust your ears. I wonder if Audioquest will adjust the price of the $18,000 Wildwood cable since their new $3,000 cable outperforms it? They could probably sell the Wildwood for $2,000 and still make a profit.
Looks like most here jumped on the “I hate Audioquest” bandwagon.  No company would purposely make “Broken” cables.  You guys sound like the anti Vaxxers conspiracy crowd.  Really?

oops! My bad, I was too lazy to re-read the entire post. Thanks for setting me straight. To the OP, that is quite the libel statement you made. When to talk to Audioquest, make sure you tell them of your accusation. 

You weren’t singled out by me and you don’t need to convince me that you own Audioquest cables. My beef is the blanket statement made here by someone, not you, that Audioquest purposely makes broken cables to lure you into the more expensive ones.  Like many, I started with Audioquest cables and in my case were the Indigo Blue speaker cables.  I had them for years and don’t remember why I unloaded them as I kind of wish I had kept them. 

Audioquest is a quality brand cable, like them or not and they are probably as good as any of the other brands out there.  It all boils down to personal taste and system synergy.