@bwguy +1
@kennymacc +1
I did same- replaced Earth with Pegasus both between DAC and pre-amp and pre-amp to amp. (See my profile for description of my system.) Relative to Earth, sound with Pegasus was saturated- akin to production of deep, vivid color by wetting a dry cloth or stone. I also perceived an improvement in timing and imaging- in a particular a deeper soundstage. Yes, sweeter highs, clear and natural vocals, and fuller and more articulate bass. End result- emotion conveyed with ease- more joy.
Interestingly, in my system, I preferred Pegasus to Thunderbird between DAC and pre-amp. I felt that with Thunderbird that the background was blacker, that bass was stronger, and that instruments' timbre may have been more accurate. But less fun. Less sweet. Rhythm less engaging. Wider but shallower sound stage.
With Pegasus between DAC and pre-amp, I even preferred Earth over Thunderbird between pre-amp and amp. Although, again, sound with Thunderbird had blacker background and stronger bass, system was less fun than with Earth. The qualities that the Pegasus brings to the table were diminished.
Only downside of Pegasus is that cable is so thick that it is difficult to handle. Thunderbird solves this by possessing three separate strands. However, once you have Pegasus in place that issue is of no consequence.
Note that testing of Pegasus vs. Earth in my system produced same result as comparing the same at my dealer. See link to report of test below.