AudioQuest Pegasus vs Thunderbird Interconnects

Hello all,

Has anyone had the chance to listen? I know Pegasus is brand new, but Thunderbird has been around. I am questioning whether the cost/performance is worth it to upgrade to Thunderbird. Not many reviews out there.


Showing 2 responses by steakster

@jg7884  Congratulations on your willingness to try - and your subsequent reward.

When I first joined AudiogoN, I thought posts about cables affecting the SQ were absurd.  Now, over 50% of the cost of my system in invested in cabling and power conditioning.  Worth every penny.  After many years of tweaking, I still find power cords to have the most influence in my system's SQ.   Enjoy!

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Burn-in is very real.  Even when swapping cables already in the system, it takes time for them to re-settle in.  Not only does the wire need to conduct electricity but so does the electro-mechanical interface of the connectors.  

@jg7884 My suggestions would be to take your time and stay within your budget. A 30 day trial period is a wonderful thing. Or the ability to re-sell an item near what you paid for it - if it doesn’t sound right in your system.  I've tried plenty of cables that others recommended that didn't work for my ears.  Be sure to search the Audiogon discussion archives when curious about a particular product or approach. Such as this one. Have fun.