AudioQuest Pegasus vs Thunderbird Interconnects

Hello all,

Has anyone had the chance to listen? I know Pegasus is brand new, but Thunderbird has been around. I am questioning whether the cost/performance is worth it to upgrade to Thunderbird. Not many reviews out there.


Showing 2 responses by mclinnguy

@jg7884 (hey, they have the links working again!)

.....i don’t know if I ever made a “review or comment” like this before but I guess I just want to say to the naysayers and the cable deniers that life is freaking short man. Unplug the stupid ass measuring gear and buy a serious level cable if you have a revealing system and just listen with your own ears.


Great post. Thanks for sharing. For every stubborn idiot out there who is certain cables don’t matter, and they would rather give their money to the church of scientology, hopefully there are 2 open-minded people like who actually think for themselves and try it and end up enjoying their music more. Isn’t that the point of this hobby? I was the same idiot a few short years ago.

Like you said, life is short.

I am in the same upgrading phase- upgrading cables, and vibration/resonance control, to enjoy all the endless beautiful music this planet has to offer, and retirement offers me up to 10 hours a day enjoying my system. $3000 cables are a waste of money? Work it out per hour, it is cheaper than fishing. Maybe the upgrading never stops- but maybe that is a good thing, it is a hobby. Hearing the differences in the way the music sounds is almost as much fun as enjoying the artists' musical expression.

I see you previously started a new thread asking A’gonners suggestions as to your cable choice- be sure to post these impressions there as well, as it always nice to close off a thread so other readers in the future aren’t left hanging as to the outcome.


i know break in is supposed to be 100-300 hours but i am absolutely blown away by the level of improvement these have made. I was completely despondent at first. Totally bummed and oh my God am I happy I kept listening.

I can’t even imagine what the other levels above sound like on a good system.

If you really want a roller coaster break in, try a Rhodium Furutech GTX NCF outlet. I observed changes beyond 400 hours. 

Here were my observations over the course of 3 weeks: smileysad cryingsadsurprisefrown smileyindecision cryingindecisioncheekylaughindecisionsadfrownlaughcheekycool