AudioQuest Niagara 1000

Hey Audiophobes,

Anybody have any experience with the AudioQuest Niagara 1000 Power  LOW-Z POWER/NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM? I have one on loan and I am testing it out now. Unfortunately, I really can't effectively do an A/B comparison because all my power outlets and cords and not very accessible. Would appreciate any experience you all have with this product.



Showing 7 responses by pgaulke60

I like the looks of the Niagara 1200 better than the 1000.  Sleeker and less bulky.  The 1000 is huge.  But you are correct, does it function the same. One would think that if it is label higher that is should be better.  It not like releasing the Niagara 800...
I have the Niagara 1200 on order.  Paid for it in November, and now I hear the delivery is delayed till April. Not sure what the hold-up is.
I will do that when it FINALLY arrives.  Supposed to come in March, now I am heading it is scheduled for April. 
@audioman58 and others.

Finally got the AQ Niagara 1200 home and installed.  But there is a back story.  Bear with me.

I recently purchased a PS Audio Noise Harvester.  Primarily to check it out, and to see how much noise was coming through in various locations (outlets).  I took it to my local audio dealer and tried it out on various outlets, including outlets of high end power conditioners.  No matter what the outlet, including outlets with power strips and multiple computer peripherals attached, the Noise Harvester had the same blinking light.  Meaning it had the same amount of noise being harvested no matter the source, including when I plugged it into $5K Power Conditioners.

Then we did a test of it actually listening to music.  Three of us all agreed that when we had the Noise Harvester plugged in, it was damping the sound quality and the overall depth of music clarity.  Not by a lot mind you, but enough.

So I sent the darn thing back for a refund.  But I wonder if it is coloring my auditory views now.

Also, at the same time I installed the AQ Niagara 1200, I also installed two Shunyata Research SR-Z1 AC Outlets.  In talking with folks, since this is just an upgraded outlet, mainly in terms of the metals, it shouldn't have any real noticeable impact on the music.

Then I connected the AQ Niagara 1200 Power Conditioner. To my ears, I am hearing less soundstage and overall distinctness of the music.  Sorta that damping down of the music.  Only slightly.  As @audioman58 suggests, I am not at 100 hours.  I am also totally willing to admit that it could all be a figment of my imagination (or ears) based on the whole Noise Harvester escapade.  

My audio guys tell me that essentially the 1200 has the same circuitry as the 1000 that I was using before so it shouldn't be a difference in the way I am describing here.  I'm also told that I need to use something because a bunch of folks in the Atlanta area are having system blowouts because of power surges over the summer - so I need to have some protection.

With all this said, one of the days (when I want to crawl back in the back of the cabinet) I am going to do an AB comparison - with and without the 1200.  We'll see what happens then.  

That is my story, follow-up, and I am sticking to it, at least for now.

Thanks for reading.
@drowe7 .  Yes, I did add a new power cable.  Before when I had they AQ 1000 I just used a standard computer grade power cable.  Now with the AQ 1200 I use an AQ NRG-Z3 cable.

Do you think that is making a difference?  We would hope so, right.  We would hope that it is making a positive difference.  But your bring up an interesting point.  Doing an A/B comparison with power cables.