Audioquest Dialectric-Bias System

Has anybody tried this? AQ has rigged some of the mid-line cables with batteries! Just wondering.
Pbb, I should have been more precise. The Model 5 and 5a uses a "high pass filter" between the pre and amp. This filter is the device that has the 9 volt battery which I believe is used in the same manner as AQ does.

Maybe others could shed more light on this?
My guess is that it is the same cable as before with the battery bias added.

I was looking for a cable that would least affect the sound to the speakers. I wanted a neutral, highly defined sound with good clean highs and solid tight base. Granted, it is difficult to know exactly what the original sound is, but you can still compare cables and sort out the offenders. Since I didn't like the all silver cables, and I liked the AQ sound, I ended up with the Volcano. Also, I was intrigued with the idea of a cable that would stay broken in and as far as I can tell, this one does.