I've used Both and have had Positive results from them (remember: these types of "tweaks" make just little audio differences)!
1)By marking the inner circle and outer circle of each disk with the Marker (black)-I have experienced less grain and harshness and a little more OPEN presentation(mostly heard in the upper high freq.)with that treatment. 2)Cleaning a disk with the Illuminator Solvent slightly demagnatizes the surface of the CD and also makes it more reflective for the laser reading of the CD info. Reason for 1)& 2): Reduces stray laser light and demagnatizing the CD will allow the laser, reading the CD info., to have less error corrections(jitter)in the process procedure, i.e. more musical info. Have you thought about the Bendini Ultra-Clarifier (it works also, does about the same thing-I have 1)- read info. at :www.bedini.com
Good Luck and Enjoy!
1)By marking the inner circle and outer circle of each disk with the Marker (black)-I have experienced less grain and harshness and a little more OPEN presentation(mostly heard in the upper high freq.)with that treatment. 2)Cleaning a disk with the Illuminator Solvent slightly demagnatizes the surface of the CD and also makes it more reflective for the laser reading of the CD info. Reason for 1)& 2): Reduces stray laser light and demagnatizing the CD will allow the laser, reading the CD info., to have less error corrections(jitter)in the process procedure, i.e. more musical info. Have you thought about the Bendini Ultra-Clarifier (it works also, does about the same thing-I have 1)- read info. at :www.bedini.com
Good Luck and Enjoy!