Audiophiles in the Wild - They're on to us...

The short video takes a minute to get going then covers some of the serious issues we face as audiophiles:

  • Record cleaning
  • Cable comparisons
  • Diana Krall vs Patricia Barber
  • Contracting an illness from sifting through the vinyl dollar bin
  • etc.

We're under threat and it's time to come together.


That is absolutely hilarious, and absolutely spot on for any hobby! The (not so secret) secret group within a group, where the fanatical pursuit of perfection overrides rational thinking.


Best looking group of philes I've ever seen.

…some of their womenfolk look interesting.. surprise

Great stuff here!  Although I made the grave mistake of starting it, and when I saw it was pretty funny decided to restart it and bring my wife in to watch it with me.  Then it got to the part of the “secret credit card” and it got pretty awkward….but I assured her that didn’t apply to me.