Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity

Curious as to what a list of these loudspeakers which "probably won't require maintenance until your kindergartner has earned their doctoral degree" might look like...

Showing 2 responses by unsound

Kenneythekey, suggests a very good point. You might want to stick with a company that has earned the reputation for good customer service and appears to have the legs to continue. Thiel is nonpareil in this regard. I use even older 3.5's, and would need to spend many times their costs to get better performance. Yes, a couple of drivers needed maintenance over the years, all done gratis minus shipping costs, despite being well out of warranty. I've been told by more than one Thiel rep that the even older CS 2's have been their most durable product to date. Just don't be foolish and over drive your under powered amp into clipping.
Mapman, it might be prudent to mention that OHM no longer has the qualified technicians to repair the original true Walsh drivers, and now offers trade ins towards a different type of speaker instead. And that the lack of "exposed working parts" makes repairs more challenging.