Audiophile novice needs your expert opinion

I recently purchased an Acurus 125x5 for my home theatre system.I love the amp,but I have a small humm-buzz in every channel(speaker) My last system I had a Classe CA-100 pre-outted for my front channels and the reciever amplifying the center and rears,and it was dead quiet no humm.After experimenting I found it(the humm-buzz)was coming from my cable TV connection at the wall.(very close to the outlet for my HT)If I disconnect the cable line the humm-buzz stops.What is this from? And what can I do to stop the humm-buzz? I would appreciate any help. Happy Holidays- John

Showing 1 response by natalie

Try putting the preamp and tv power cords into seperate receptacles and getting them as far away as possible from each other.T