Be sure to break in your electrical receptacles before replying!
Audiophile Humor
An audiophile is boasting to his club at a meeting about his exotic and tres expensive new interconnects. Veils have been lifted, levels of detail exposed, factors-of-ten improvements in sonics..."
As he does this, a club member sneaks over to the interconnect and scrubs off the brand name.
Seeing this, the first audiophile loudly proclaims, "You idiot! You've ruined them! Now I can't tell them apart from any other cheap interconnect!"
You know why speaker cables have different names?
So you can tell them apart.
How is listening to a turntable like hearing a drummer knocking on your door?
The sound keeps speeding up and slowing down.
What's the definition of a gentleman?
Someone who has a mint pristine first pressing Hi Fi copy of "Bang Barroom and Harp" and doesn't play it for you.
An audiophile saves up for years and years to get a mint copy of "Look of Love" and on the way home from picking it up, decides to stop at the record store to buy a protective cover for the sleeve.
"I'll only be inside a minute, I'll just leave it in the backseat, it's cool out. I'll lock up the car and be right back."
He's only gone for a moment, but when he comes out of the store he is crestfallen to see the back window has been broken out of his car. He races up to the window, expecting the worst.
When he looks inside the car, he sees......two copies of "Look of Love."