Audiogon members-Larry Burt Strings04 has died

Tom Burt said:

> Dear All,
> Sorry it took me so long to contact you, but the following sad news has been extremely difficut to deal with. My brother and Audiogon member Larry Burt, passed away on April 17th, loosing his life to stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
> Besides being an Audiogon member "strings04", Larry was also a freelance musician for 49 yrs. He started in music by learning Guitar, but later switched to the bass. He played on several hit records including "SUNNY" by Bobby Hebb, "WITH THIS RING" by The Platters, Eddie Holman's "HEY THERE LONELY GIRL", "AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS" by The Formations and many others. Larry also worked with Daryl Hall of Hall & Oates fame, and was a studio bassist at Mercury Records in NYC.
> Larry was well liked by friends and was admired for his keen intellect and down to earth philosophy on life. He was dearly loved by my brother Ken and I, and other family members and friends.
> Larry also made friends with many Audiogon members, all of whom I'm sure have wondered...whatever happened to him? I am sure there were many emails to him (strings04) that went unanswered, but unfortunately, Larry was busy fighting for his life.
> Please pass this on to the Audiogon membership. A little later on I will attempt to continue with Audiogon where Larry left off. In the meantime, anyone who would like to contact me about Larry, may do so. . I will be tying to view Larry's Audiogon emails shortly. To date, some computer issues with MSN'S Vista, have prevented me from doing so. I hope to have those issues resolved shortly.
> Sincerely yours,
> Tom Burt
My best to the family. He's got one up on those of us still here. If he can read this...TURN IT UP TO 11 MATE!!
To all the responders to Larry's (strings01)passing.
It was extremely moving to read the kind words you all had for Larry. While in the hospital, all of the nurses looked forward to visiting with him. Why? Because even though Larry was the one in trouble, he always knew how to make them laugh, both at themselves and at whatever problem or problems they were having. One nurse in particular, who's spirits Larry had raised, endearingly referred to Larry as "My Philosopher". She said Larry had special ability, for spinning a positive outlook on everything. She could not have been right.
Again, I would like to thank you, one and all, for all your kind words.
Larry's brother Tom (Hideseek171)
I mistakenly identified (type-O)Larry as String01. I meant to type Strings04.
Tom (Hideseek171)