AudiogoN Inception Date?

Panning through old threads, I noticed a few members as early as late 98/early 99.

Emailed service a while back no answer, figured if anyone should know, they would.

When did all this start and who was the first poster(s)?

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

10-15-14: Jadem6
It must have been around 2002 or 03 that Arnie sold the business to investors, that was when ad fees came into place. They have increased ever since and have driven a few of us away from the site.

Thanks for the history lesson JD. I remember when they first started charging fees. It was still a great place for a long time.

I am one of those who have been driven away. I won't give them my credit card for their file, not after all of the Target, Home Depot, etc., scandals.

I can no longer access my home page, but occasionally I can still sneak into the forums to post. I'm sure one day that loophole will be closed too. Arrivederci AudiogoNe
10-15-14: Jadem6
This may have been the dirty dozen. Jmcgroan2 were you one?

Not I JD, I didn't enlist until September 2000.