Audiogon Hall of Fame? And the nominees are...

Several threads of late have been devoted to providing words of kindness and appreciation to fellow members and the AudiogoN staff for making the shared experience here so wonderful and unique. Another set of threads has lamented the paucity of high quality reviews (or, more to the point, the influx of mediocre reviews) resulting from the giveaway sweepstakes currently in progress. It occurs to me that it may be more appropriate to reward those who have made the greatest contribution to the forums over these past years!

I nominate the following 5 individuals to the A'gon Hall of Fame:


I've limited myself to 5 and have simply named those who came to mind most quickly. I haven't entered into any transactions with these gentlemen, but have learned so much from their posts. There are dozens more... tell me, who are they?

My only rule is nothing negative!

Showing 3 responses by unsound

I think it's a good idea. Perhaps we could do it on an annual basis with the results posted at years end. Five is a lot to deal with but since it's started lets go with it. I suggest 5 point for each #1 position and descending points there after. I would be willing to contribute a small amount of $ towards a prize. Each set of nominations should come from members only and either limit it to one set of votes per member or a set contribution must acompany each ballot entry. Perhaps a percentage of the prize money could go to the winner and the balance to charity, paramaters can be decided latter ( I have my own favorites, but perhaps one that goes to help the deaf, or towards musical education or electronic/acoustic physics education would be most appropriate or winners choice ?). Perhaps the retailers would consider contributions. I think a Hall of shame prize (1 vote) is not crazy, with some sort of book on web etiquite or basic English or basic technology as a prize. Every one is a winner!
Nrchy, I'm somewhat embarrassed to tell you that I'm not all that clever and I was being sincere. I'm glad you enjoyed the laugh though, seems we could use more laughter around here lateley.
I hope nobody minds me borrowing this thread but I thought making this an annual event might be a good idea. My nominations for the year 2002:
Albert Porter
Audio Engineer