Audiogon etiquette question

first - APOLOGIES - I know this isn't the right forum subsection but there seems to be no appropriate section to post under.

My problem is this:
I've been writing a seller (twice now maybe?) for the last 30 or so hours about an item they just posted for sale. I told them I wanted it and asked if it was still available and how to proceed. But no answer - I guess they COULD be away (?) but it seems odd to me. Is there any sort of process anyone can recommend to follow? I"m a bit frustrated here.

Showing 3 responses by grannyring

Correct, but usually anything other than a low or lower ball offer gets attention.
I always answer questions, but the amount of tire kicking and low ball offers has risen dramatically over the past few years. Endless questions followed by low ball offers is quite common. It is a joy to every once in a while run into a decisive and professional buyer/seller.