Audio s impact on enviroment

It seems to me bigger amps that draw more current and use more electricity are becoming the norm, like SUV's audio manufacturers are not taking responsibility when it comes to designing energy saving components. I was always told to shut off the light when I leave the room, now I have to remember to shut off the stereo. Although reviewers are always touting the benefits of leaving equipment on all the time,I feel it's time to be a little more concerned about the impact this hobby has on the enviroment.

Showing 1 response by karl_desch

We all need to do our part to conserve energy. Instead of comparing yourself to other people to justify your own waste, do what you can to change. Fuel inefficient cars are wasteful, air conditioning is wasteful, and yes, leaving on high power consuming items like power amps to achieve better sound or to avoid a 1 hour warm up time is wasteful. Buying speakers manufactured with rare woods also impacts negatively on the environment. I'm not saying you shouldn't leave your amp on if it makes a difference to you,
I own a ridiculous amp (BAT VK-500). But we all need to identify ways that we as individuals can reduce our consumption of non-replenished resources. Americans are the most wasteful in the world because we can afford to be for now. Unfortunately, we are doomed to wait until we feel or our children feel the unfortunate consequences of our overconsumption before we change our ways.