Audio Research VT80SE amp vs Prima Luna EVO 400 or 300

It’s time to get a newer tube amp after years of happy listening to vintage mono tube amps- MFA M-120 to be precise. I will mate the new amp with my upgraded/updated MFA Luminescence preamp and power Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers. The Lumi is deservedly a legend and has a fabulous phono stage, to boot.

I’ve read many reviews and comments about both the ARC and the Prima Luna gear but would greatly appreciate a response from folks who’ve had experience with either one or the other or preferably both.

My musical tastes are quite eclectic, but primarily "classical" and do not include heavy metal, nor much R+R or pop at this stage of my life. I’m partial to what some might call warm, romantic and "euphonic," and from what I know, Audio Research tends to be less "euphonic" than some other tube components. At the same time, I enjoy listening to subtle details that more syrupy components can obscure. Unfortunately, I cannot audition anything prior to purchase, neither in my home nor at a dealer.  After much experimentation, I am convinced that SF GH's LOVE tubes!

Thanks in advance. Stay safe. Be well.


Showing 18 responses by ps

Thanks so much for your very helpful response. I greatly appreciate it.  The more research I do, I find my head saying ARC, while my heart is whispering Prima Luna. I just learned that I probably will be able to audition the Audio Research amp in my home after all.  A couple of hours of serious listening, mating the ARC with my Lumi preamp, should tell me what I need to know.
@jrw1971"I waffle between my teenage brain seeking punch and sizzle, to a more adult appetite for effortlessness and flow."i can relate, even tho' I'm well into my "golden years."  My wallet is a bit too thin for the upper echelon ARC gear but happy for you!

Very helpful, sir. Thanks
Thanks to all for your helpful posts.

@rushfan, both my golden-eared wife and I are partial to "warm." Hence our fondness for the vintage Sonus Faber GH speakers, although I’d never characterize the sound as "syrupy."
@5751That "hum" issue is a concern. I’ve had to deal with that in the past and it can be maddening. Have you tried a cheater plug on the amp power cord?
Thanks to DaveyF for weighing in.  His description of the Guarnieri Homage speakers is accurate and much better articulated than mine. 

At this point, I'm leaning toward Audio Research- there are some obvious and other reasons.
  @flame, thanks for your suggestion re: the ref75. Oh, good, more homework for me!  I rarely change quality components so this is a fun adventure.
Hey BIF,Yes indeed, I do find ALL the comments here quite helpful, and I intend to investigate the Ref 150 SE and Ref 75SE further.  

One thing @dekay , the only switches on my MFA amps are standby and operate. They take a quad of 6550 or KT-88 each.

Thanks, and yes, I have learned that the latest Prima Lunas I’m looking into can use KT-150’s. That’s another reason I am interested in them. That, in addition to ease of biasing, gentle driving of tubes, etc, and down-sizing my system somewhat. My mono amps still sound very good but I’m hoping I can improve SQ and do it with a single, newer amp while keeping my Lumi preamp, which of course can only run unbalanced.
To quote: "Lastly, seeing the note about biasing, it’s easy on the 75SE. Child’s play. And gives you one more thing to monitor and kid yourself into thinking you’re a participant ..."

My MFA monos are super-easy to bias. The meter is in front as are the controls. I am very comfortable in tube world. :). But maybe I’m just getting soft in my golden years and am starting to look into "set it and forget it." :)

If I go with PL, as good as the E34’s might be, I’ll likely try KT150. I’ll still feel as if I’m a real participant. :)

You fellow tubeaholics rock.

One other thing, is it absolutely the case that the 75SE must use balanced interconnects?  If I keep my Lumi pre I cannot do that.

Thanks for confirming that.  Then the 75SE is not viable, unless I get another preamp, which is not likely to happen.
I'm starting to see where this could go for me.  Sell or retire everything in my system except my speakers and TT and start anew.  What a wonderful, but crazy hobby!  Thanks again, folks.
As an addendum to both my previous and original post, the longer I consider the question I posed, the more I’m inclined to modernize both my preamp and amplifier, with reliability in addition to SQ as prime motivators. It may even be, that a modern tube integrated will be my path forward.
Thanks again for everyone’s thoughtful contributions. Be well, take care, be safe, and get your vaccinations ASAP.

Thanks very much.  I have been a Paragon customer as well, and concur that they are an excellent retailer.
I'm pretty much convinced at this point to go with an integrated. 

After much further research and consideration, I have decided to test drive a Prima Luna Evo 300 integrated.  The dealer offers a generous 60-day trial period, which raises my comfort level considerably.  The dealer also owns a pair of the same speakers as I do and chooses to use an Evo Integrated to power them.  He could use any electronics on the planet.

  I will report back. Thanks again for all your contributions.

Thanks for your suggestion and good cheer. I want to wait until the Evo has at least 100 hours before experimenting with other tubes, but I likely will try either Brimars or Mullards.

@docfletch Thanks. But I’m a confirmed tubeaholic.  And after many years of using separates, I'm increasingly inclined to go with an integrated amplifier. 

@keeferdog. Thanks. I will say that after a mere 12 hours of run-in time on the Evo 300, my SF Guarnieri Homage’s are sounding mighty nice. :)
@tuberculin Thanks for your contribution. One reason I have the Evo 300 integrated on trial is that the proprietor of the store runs the exact same speakers as mine, only he’s using an Evo 400.

After only 15 hours of break-in I have to say that so far so very, very good. I’ve pretty much decided to go with an integrated and might just sell all my MFA gear. The MFA gear requires a LOT more tubes, for one thing. :)  I've got at least another 85 hours of run-in time ahead. Happy so far.
@passet02. Much too esoteric for me, no matter how good they may be. I’ve had more than my share of "esoteric" audio gear, and am done. But thanks for posting.

After burning in the Prima Luna Evo 300 integrated for about 130 hours, out of curiosity, I decided to swap the factory EL34’s with some spare veteran Ruby KT-88’s I keep on hand for my vintage tube amps. Well, much to my delight, the music coming out of my Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers is far more engaging- more dynamic, delineated, "airy" and much less recessed. I did not suspect this dramatic improvement. I’m also going to try different small tubes as many have suggested.   Best to all of you.