Audio Research Saved!

I was talking with a friendly at ARC yesterday and asked about ARC's financial status. He told me that an individual who is an audiophile and an ARC loyalist has purchased 100% of the company, is injecting a substantial amount of cash and ARC is now solvent, and developing and building their excellent product with no compromise. Apparently there is a press release coming soon. 

This makes total sense as the ARC brand is worth a lot of money and worth saving. I'm sure a lot of wealthy ARC lovers would be in line to own this magnificent marque. If I didn't have to move to the tundra to run it I would be a buyer as well. 2 months of summer is about 7 months too few for my old bones.  

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Showing 1 response by carlsbad2

Adding more cash to a failing business will just delay the ineveitable unless changes are made.