Audio Research Reference 75 conversion to SE

Hi guys,

I just had the disappointing news today that ARC no longer supply the conversion kits. 
Other than lowering the PCB to take the taller KT150 tube, does anyone have the knowledge of other upgrade mods ?

“Heres hoping”



Showing 1 response by mekong56

I am pretty sure the upgrade included the above things mentioned, and had a power supply revision as well. This may or may not be a significant part of the SE equation. I seem to remember capacitors being changed also. I would talk to an ARC dealer that is familiar with what the changes were, or ARC themselves if you are really trying to get to an official SE version. ARC would probably openly share what the changes were. I doubt it is a matter of getting a tech that can just switch out a few parts and lower at the board, although it could be the case.

I went from a 75 to a 75SE a couple of years ago. I had the option of getting the upgrade at that time, but selling my 75 for a 75SE turned out to be more cost effective. That scenario is going to cost you likely between $1500-2000 (ball parking this based on current bluebook values) depending on how you make out on the sale and what kind of deal you can get on an SE. The delta for me ended up being $1000, but I got pretty lucky on a really good price on a 75SE.

Beware that at this level of amp, the 75SE is going to be different, but not necessarily night and day better than the 75. You will read (as I did) a lot of talk on the forums and reviews that say the SE is way better. I found the SE to be better, but not as much as people said. Quite frankly I bought into the hype and expected more than I ultimately heard, and I have what I consider to be a very resolving system. Looking back, I don’t regret making the move but I could have easily lived long term with the "base model" Ref 75. They are both very special amps in my opinion. I would be hard pressed to EVER get rid of my 75SE. If it works with your speakers, it is a destination piece. As always this is just my experience in my system, YMMV.