Audio research ref 6SE vs world

Which tube or SS line stage do you like as much or more and why? Any cheaper options that you actually preferred?

Showing 1 response by minorl

The problem, if it is one, is that now at that price point, you are in the rare field.  For this type of money, I have to be able to take a unit home for an at home demonstration in my system with A/B comparisons with my existing piece.

I've established a pretty good relationship with a couple of dealers and they either hand me a demonstration unit or take my credit card information (security) and let me take it home.

I understand that some dealers don't do this, but maybe they could charge a minimal fee for this service if they are cautious?  

I've gone from Audio Research SP 9, SP9MKII, SP-11, REF 3, REF 5SE, REF 6, to REF10.  I heard the Retubed REF 3 vs the REF 5, REF 5SE and the REF 6.  Let me just say that the REF 3 still to this day holds it's own vs many of the top pre-amps today.  The difference between the REF3 and REF5 was not great enough to justify a purchase.  However, I did hear enough of a positive difference between the REF 3 and the REF 5SE.  Audio Research offered me such a deal on trade in of my REF 5SE towards a REF 6 that I simply couldn't pass it up.

Then I was thinking of upgrading the REF 6 to a REF 6SE and paying the $3000 upgrade fee.  My dealer friend offered me such a deal on his demonstration REF 10 with a really nice price on my REF 6 that I ended up with a REF 10.  Go figure.  

I stayed with Audio Research not because there aren't others that can match or beat them (hard to do), but because they make great equipment, The dealers I know carried and supported them (support is important to me).  I like the sound  and Audio Research, like Kilpsch, Martin Logan, Atmosphere and some others will support and repair even the older equipment.  I like that.

I've only heard the REF 6 vs Boulder, Ayre, luxman, McIntosh, and a few others in direct comparisons.  You really can't go wrong with Audio Research or most of the ones that others have listed previously.  Those are some nice pre-amps.

The Dan D'Agostino pre-amp is simply awesome also.  I tried to hear the Atmosphere pre-amp at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest but the person doing the demonstration simply would not shut up and play music.  We had to leave. I was very disappointed as I really wanted to hear Ralph's equipment.  

Take as much time as you can to demo the equipment in your pride point.  There really is some great equipment out there and don't fall for the solid state vs tube crap.  There are some outstanding solid state pre-amps out there.  Just as there are some outstanding tube equipment out there.

But, back to my original point, the dealer(s) should allow (via credit car, demo, etc.) potential serious buyers to do a few day demo of the equipment in their home system.  Steve at Stereo Design (before he retired) would take my credit card information and either ship the piece to me or I would drive down to San Diego and take it home  to listen.  he knew that if I really liked something, there was a good chance I would buy from him.

Randall of Optimal Enchantment is the same way.  One you establish a good relationship with him and if he has a demo unit available.   

at this level, I have not seen jaw dropping differences in sound quality of these excellent pieces.  

The REF 6, REF 6SE are really excellent.  The REF 10 on the other hand is still one of the very best I've heard.
