Audio research ref 6SE vs world

Which tube or SS line stage do you like as much or more and why? Any cheaper options that you actually preferred?

Showing 1 response by joey54

I had the opportunity to spend a few hours listening to the REF6SE in a system with the Vandersteen Kento's and the Vandersteen M5-HPA monoblock amplifiers. For the first time I heard Richard's amps sound as good as the Aesthetix's amps on his speakers. This system, which also included an Ayre QX-5 DAC, made the speakers disappear and performers sound like they were in the room.

I have heard this system before the REF6SE replaced an LS-28 but it never sounded like this. The detail, the musicality and the bass were amazing. And the voices!
If you have Vandersteen speakers and Richard's amps you need to hear this preamp!