Audio Research pre amp question

I'm about to venture into tubes for the first time. I have decided after trying out a AR VT 100 MKIII, that I am ready to give it a go. Even though I was using my exsisting solid state pre amp I still felt the thrill. I put on a Suzanne Ciani & the piano sounded so real. I have played this CD possible a hundered times & it was as if I was hearing it for the first time.

My question is which AR pre? I've read about the LS MKI, LS MII ( I understand a new tube is used) & the RM 25 MKII. The Reference 2 is not a consideration, not in the budget.

Some of my thoughts: Will the LS Mark II give me 80% of what the RM 25 MKII can do? Is the RM 25 MKII the only way to go if it in the budget? Does listening preferences dictate which unit to consider? Just don't know enough about these to make a decision.

Here's personal info: I listen to a lot of female vocals, blues, classic rock, country when I feel like it & a few specific jazz artist.

If you have any first hand experience with any of the AR pre's matched up with AR amps please share your knowledge.


I am using an ARC SP9 MKII, ARC VT60 combo and it is really a beautiful thing. As for other combinations, I have no experience. I hope that this is some help.
Ron, you'd better tell the folks which LS model number you're talking about, they start with the LS1 and move up from there! Of the LS series, my personal favorite is the old LS5, which to my ears was the least solid-state sounding of ARC's line stages (other than the less-refined, entry level LS7) and should be a very good match for the VT 100. Check the archives, there are a lot of happy LS5 owners who discuss the different marks of that model.
Very good advice from Rcprince. The LS5 has the musical magic, harmonic richness, natural decays, etc., that no other LS series before it ever had. And the LS15, LS22 did not have it either. I suspect the LS16 is the same way as it was a tweaked 15. You have to go all the way back to the SP-10 to get this. And I suspect if you are a piano and female vocals diehard, the LS5 is your ticket if you want to stay in the ARC line. Try to find a MK III as it has a more balanced tonality, i.e., not the added sibilance of the MK II/I.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the LS-5 the preamp that only had balanced inputs and outputs? Therefore, if you are not running balanced cables, you will need to buy them, and if your equipment is not setup to run balanced, you will have to replace that as well.

From my research into ARC preamps (and I own an older LS-2), I have formed the following opinions:

A.) The LS-16 is a good preamp, but not a whole lot better than the other LS series preamps before it, (and not much worse than the subsequent LS-22). (With one exception: The LS-5 which was reputed to be very good.)

B.) The LS-25, Mk II is a very good preamp. This will sound about as good as the LS-5, but it has more bells and whistles.

C.) The Reference II (Not the original Reference though, which was a glorified LS-25), supposedly sounds better than all the previous ARC preamps. (I have a friend with this preamp, and combined with his Avalon Eidolons and his 400W/ch Classe amp, it produces the finest sound I have ever heard from a stereo system.)

BTW, my choice, when I get the cash, someday, will be to upgrade to an used LS-25, Mk II. I want to have the sound of the LS-5, with the bells and whistles of a modern design, without having to take out a second mortgage on the house! (Plus the option of not having to run balanced inputs. I run balanced out, but my phono preamp, and my other equipment is just not setup to run balanced cables unfortunately.)

These are my opinions, so don't start a flame war.

Good Luck in your search!