Audio Research Pre-Amp advice

Hi, what would be a good used Audio Research pre-amp that has a remote, that is overall very musical. My budget is under 6K? I really don't want any Ref. pre's because too many tubes. Also something not too old, I do not want to have to bring in for service. I welcome and appreciate any advice. Thank you!


Showing 6 responses by tomic601

i realize upon reread my comment about CJ could be taken wrong… i hold anything they make or made in high esteem 

@tonywinga Right on man ! i was a CJ guy until i wasn’t…. I bought Brooks Berdan  “ museum “ SP-6 C from Sheila…. no remote… i resemble OLD… also…

I will look into the Pi series tubes…. i wish Modjeski was still around screening and grading tubes… his washout rates hit 90%. RIP RM

long may our beloved ARC gear run.

@ghdprentice i agree… after the long torture laden big capacitor bank breakin on initial purchase of the 5se, she comes on song for me at about a long 33 album side. I would suggest some of what others may perceive as longer might be IC cable dialectric forming…this is largely eliminated w use of a patented DBS cable… 

@cleeds is correct, we both own the same 2 ARC components that utilize the 6550 in the power supply. Im not in front of my manual but my memory is the ARC recommendation for change interval on the 6550 is 2K hours. i change the 6550 religiously. My comment about NOS USA New Jersey Tung Sol blackplate was very specific as i worked w Andy at Vintage tube services in Michigan USA to tease out the best 6550 for the 5se AND importantly my system and tastes. i know they are “ expensive “… But not really when considering a Koetsu Urushi at $6k has about a 1,200 life…. $ or ¥ or € or £ is all relative…. Frankly a very reliable supplier of the critical 6550 is ARC themselves…stringent grading and burn in and excellent packaging. i keep 2 on hand as my phono use same.

@daveteauk I am not sure how you reached the conclusion i’ve not changed the 6H30’s. 

Best to all in music….

PS this morning i’m listening to a nice system w 20 NOS tubes in the LP playback chain including 5 x Mazda in the Phono, 4 x Orange Globes in the Line… and mostly Mullards in a not so stock… 1961 MC-240… life is fun….

Yep…. And you might be shocked what 3x HRS Nimbus couplers can do under either …. 

@pinwa ah…. No I said ‘no trouble “… I am on tube set #3 ish as I change the 6550 in the power supply at the 2 k mark. I and a few others love what a vintage Tung Sol Black Plate from NJ does there…

‘I guess to clarify for the OP, I don’t view routine and even the occasional bad tube as trouble.  The op should imo contact Randy at Optimal Enchantment in SantaMonica… he sells a bunch of ARC and will likely have a line on a 28, etc….

As to the tube counter, I’ve owned my unit since new and it is easy to keep a running log in the manual.

My REF 5 se has 6 k hours on the clock w zero issues…. 6 tubes… but sure get a recent LS… imo great gear…especially the XLR models.