Audio Research glare

I have ARC tube amps which have an upper midrange/lower treble glare I cannot seem to correct with ancillary equipment. Anyone else have this impression of ARC? Any recc. for tube amps with a smoother, richer character?
Yes, my Classic-60 was hard on the ears. My VT-100 doesn't share this problem, however. Make sure to use the finest EVERYTHING with this breed. Also, try to avoid ARC preamps (unless gain trim provided) as these suckers really pump out even at low (9-10 o'clock) settings. This won't be a problem if you have a HUGE room. Happy listening...
You probably have a hybrid ARC. There is none of the glare you are referring to in the all tube designs prior to the D125 Classic series hybrid.
try giving the amp its own outlet also try ac filtration I use a tara labs power screen about $375 new JK