
Responses from kalvogec843

VTL or Audio Research?
I use a ARC VT100MK3 driving martin logan odeyseys with mind blowing results never heard the vtl JK 
Audio Research glare
try giving the amp its own outlet also try ac filtration I use a tara labs power screen about $375 new JK 
Audio Research LS12 Opinions/Reviews
ARCpreamps work best with there amps I have a ls12 and an ARC VT100MK3 IT IS A GREAT MATCH JK 
Wanted: Exceptional preamp w/remote
arc ls 12 3000 
ARC LS25 MK II - VT 100 MK III I.C.sug
try tara labs air 2s I use them on my mk3 also try the tara labs power screen for amps it made a huge differance also the amp needs its own outlet .JK