Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?

I just heard Audio Research might be filing for bankruptcy. This is a shock to me. I just called them a few days ago to have my Ref 6 upgraded to a Ref 6SE. I will also be the new owner of the Ref 750s. I was just wondering if they did go bankrupt what would all those millions of owners do about servicing their equipment. Should I be concerned? I’m alittle worried now. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

"When the economy tanks later this year you will see more companies have problems.  "


....Tanks alot, @p05129 ....and the Very Special Specialties of/by/for those Special People who own them.... *wry L*  

...become art objects that may or not actually work. ;)

"Trouble in River City!"
((insert Locale here))

If that goes down, there's a tush-load of other companies that domino in-line as well....🤨  

Will the smarter ones in da loop be able to 'keep it local'....instead of a 'bigger affair'?  

Ever consider living out of town?

I mean, Way Out of town.....😏  

Nanook of the North out of town.............