Audio Research D-115 MkII OR pair of M-100s?

I finally have the time, opportunity, and resources to get some of my favorite Audio Research equipment and would greatly appreciate your collective wisdom.

How would you evaluate these two amps in terms of sound and ease of ownership? I’ve found used examples of each, both of which claim to be updated. Even at twice the price, I’m leaning to the M-100s, but I’m no tech and would like to know if there is a significant difference in livability between the two. While the D-115 has fewer tubes, I’ve read they can be tough to bias; whereas the M-100s have convenient bias adjustments on the front panels. Then again, the M-100s have a lot more tubes to replace over time.

The amp(s) will be used with an ARC SP-17 preamp (although I am also looking at a used SP-8 MKII) and with speakers that are relatively efficient and easy to drive. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Showing 1 response by daveyf

OP, The question you ask is exactly what i looked into when I owned a D70Mk2. I was so impressed with this amp, that i was seriously interested in what the larger models would deliver. 

The M100's, and I think if in good shape ( which applies to all amps of this vintage) would be my preference.  The D series of this era are an absolute bear to fact I have stated here and elsewhere that it borders on criminal! This fact alone would sway me to the M100's. To that, I am a big fan of mono amps. The imaging of mono amps just sounds so amazing to my ears. While the D115Mk2 is no doubt an excellent amp, and will cost you less, for the long term, the M100's would be a no brainer, at least to me.