Audio Research CA-50 seek user experience

O.K., y'all that have had the CA-50...what's your opinion of the unit sonically?...or anything else you would like to share, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Also what speakers have you used it with...and does it have the power to drive them?

Showing 1 response by wdrazek

I owned a CA50 for a couple of years after sifting through a number of separates of similar or slightly lower price (Anthem, CJ Sonographe) and an NAD 317 and used it very successfully with a pair of Spendor SP1/2a's.

Compared to the others I had recently tried, the ARC was very transparent and had a lower noise floor. The power output was lower than the others in every case but with these I didn't feel anything amiss. It is a true high end component, and cheap on the used market for what it sells for.

When I replaced it with a flagship Pioneer AVR and went HT the things I missed were the see through transparency, the very low noise floor and the PRAT. Funny, every time I go back to tubes I love the musicality but then I revert back to the user friendliness of SS.

Hope this helps.