Audio Research CA-50 seek user experience

O.K., y'all that have had the CA-50...what's your opinion of the unit sonically?...or anything else you would like to share, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Also what speakers have you used it with...and does it have the power to drive them?

Showing 1 response by rapogee

Great unit - *****
If you are broke and are looking for great sound, look no further! Must use good tubes, bias skills is mandatory, once it gets out! Great sounding 40 watter!

Gave up my Krells for this! Did not want to get into the Monos, interconnects, pre power and space and was looking for a small setup that is more musical than "calling my friends over to see my new $10,000 power amplifier" situation, I did that all before.........interconnects up to $4000 for a 1 meter pair, and now I have grown older and I am much more matured about commenting on new software then looking for the pot of gold hardware.

Use it with an efficient speakers like 90db or more, I am using this with an Audio Physic and a very very good source!
Analog mostly and you really wont need to look for a new amp! Only problem is you will keep blowing all your cash on new cd's or LP's.

Hifi Choice did a review of this unit around 4 years ago, they very seldom then reviewed amps such as this in the UK since it much more pricy over there, but based on the review , the unit was priced for 3500 pounds sterling, they gave it a all 5 stars for sound/ built/ value so..........just an idea! GOOD LUCK!