Can't provide specifics. But, Mac gear is very well protected, and if they still recommend against a specific equipment connection, I would pay attention.
audio resaech D-300 with Mcintosh C-22
I own Audio Resaerch Amp and just bought a McIntosh Commemorative Edition C-22 (Balanced Outputs). However, the Mac came with a warning NOT to hook up the pre-amp with an amplifier that amplifies DC(IE: DC coupled from input to output). I called AR and found out it is INDEED a DC coupled amp. The warning notice says that it could cause speaker damage (but I have a protect feature on the amp). Is this really a SERIOUS problem IE- don't dare hook them up together OR is it McIntosh being SUPER conservative to avoid liability suits?? Love the Mac and before I hook up, I wondered about any comments. thanks much...isn;t problem solved with using balanced outs ?