Audio Note, Audio Logic, Kora Hermes Dacs ?

I've decided to stay the separates route, so can anyone tell me some of the stronger/weaker points between say, the Audio Note 3.1 (sig)?, Audio Logic 2400, & Kora Hermes ? I'm looking for depth, bloom, weight, dynamics, easeful presentation. I will be considering a CEC TL-1X, or TL-2 for transport. I'm staying with a tubed dac either way, with my balanced Orchid digital cable.

Showing 1 response by plangco

I currently own a Kora Hermes DAC (original model) and previously owned an Audio Note 2.1.x dac. Both were great DACs. The Kora won me over with its slightly warmer midrange tonality. Just a tad more organic to me. Both have excellent sound stage and a fluid rich tube tonal presence with an airy clear detailed yet organic natural sound.

I audioned my Audio Note 2.1.x by the way against the Wyred 4 Sound DAC2, and to me, the Audio Note brought the music to life and gave the instruments depth and richness that the Wyred4 sound DAC lacked in comparison.

A solid state balanced music loving audiophile friend preferred the Wyred though. I preferred the perceived greater life and vibrancy of the Audio Note and even more so, the Kora Hermes myself. To me the Wyred 4 sound DAC sounded a tad uninteresting and flat and digital, although nicely liquid for a solid state DAC.