Audio note ANK Kits EL84 Vs Audio Note Oto PP

hi everyone
Im interested in those two amps.
Anyone, by chances, have experience with both the ANK kits EL84 lvl1 or lvl3/4 and the AN Oto PP?

Showing 2 responses by jond

I can't comment specifically but I will say most people will tell you stuff built by AN UK is a definite cut above AN Kits. Not denigrating the kits at all they are great and a tremendous value I just think go for the real thing if it's in your budget.
As they say horses for courses and I don’t disagree at all ANK makes great kits and fine sounding gear. Interesting about diverging designs I guess that’s a smart move considering their split. Would be curious to hear the mentor preamp in particular . Either way I think the OP will end up a happy camper!