Audio Noise from my step up/down transformer

I just bought a 220V Pathos TT integrated amplifier and it came with a PowerBright Step up & Step down Transformer for use here in the USA.
I am hearing noise coming through the speakers that I think is coming from the step up transformer.
When putting my ear next to the transformer there is a noticable low hum and when listening to the noise in the speakers it has the same pitch as the transformer but is several octaves higher.
The noise is present in the speakers whether the volume is up or down although the noise gets noticably louder when turning the volume all the way up

Any thoughts?

Thank you

Showing 1 response by ngjockey

The hum from the transformer is mechanical and not necessarily translated directly to the quality of the AC to the amp. That mechanical hum could be a symptom of saturation caused by overloading or DC offset but some just do that in some places. In other words: Don't shoot the translator. At least, not before questioning the usual suspects.