Audio Leveling Software Recommendation?

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and tried searching the archives with no luck. I am using a Squeezebox 3/PC based music server, ripping lots of CDs and LPs that I am converting to digital.

Are there any recommendations you have for audio leveling software? You know the problem - different tracks/albums are all mastered differently, some quite hot and I'd like to avoid having to adjust the volume on the preamp (up or down) from one track to the next. I'm not averse to paying for some sw either if it solves the problem.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by olderbrothergert

Thanks all. Lloydc I can appreciate your perspective and wondered if this could be solved to my satisfaction. I like the idea the idea of replay gain because it employs tags on playback and doesn't alter the original file. My ideal is replay gain applied only to playlists I create with the Squeezebox server. So far that doesn't seem doable. Sound Forge Audio Studio allows a downloadable trial so i am going to pursue that. I've got LPs that date to the early 60s (pop and classical) up through recently mastered CDs the dynamic range and use of compression is all over the map. And as I said, I'm not averse to spending a few dollars (or more) since the titles in my collection number well into the thousands. Maybe I should have collected stamps!

Thanks again to all of you for your advice.