Audio Leveling Software Recommendation?

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and tried searching the archives with no luck. I am using a Squeezebox 3/PC based music server, ripping lots of CDs and LPs that I am converting to digital.

Are there any recommendations you have for audio leveling software? You know the problem - different tracks/albums are all mastered differently, some quite hot and I'd like to avoid having to adjust the volume on the preamp (up or down) from one track to the next. I'm not averse to paying for some sw either if it solves the problem.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by lloydc

It may not be a soluable problem. Many recordings (e.g., all pop) use so much compression that they will sound "louder" than others, if both are correctly recorded at maximum levels. You don't want to rip them at lower levels, as that increases noise and distortion, and you don't want to compress the well recorded records and take the life out of them. I use Wavelab pro mastering software, which can be used to adjust any parameter, but can not recommend that route; it is not only expensive, but very hard to learn. I agree with Al that a consumer level solution would be preferable, and it should still have the functionality you need.