Audio Horizon Preamp

I've read glowing reviews from anonymous users about the audio horizon preamp. Unfortunately, we all know that some of these reviews may not even be real. Does anyone know if there are any audio publications that have tried this preamp. Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?
03-07-07: Kensetsu
Wow!!! those are quick responses. How about this. What is everyone that claims to own one, posts a picture on this website showing the serial number on the back!!!

How about this? You bite me!!!

Who has to prove anything to you? Who do you think you are???
You've already shown that you have zero intestinal fortitude. If you refuse to grow a set of balls and use the free trial method, then quit your belly aching and go buy a preamp that Stereophile says you will like already.
Talk about wasting time. I've had three preamps in my system since you started this thread. Why all the whining and no buying?

BECAUSE!!!!!!! I've received several emails from people agreeing with my viewpoint. To date.... EIGHT!!! that just haven't felt like wasting the time to post.

How about you posting photos of these alledged e-mails. All this says is that you *may* have other cowards that share your ignorant, gutless viewpoint.

03-07-07: Kensetsu
By the way, does anyone think that it's odd that people sign on to audiogon eveyday to search threads for the words audio horizon? Hmmn?

This just shows your ignorance, on top of your lack of intestinal fortitude. We don't search for Audio Horizons in the threads, we just go to 'My Page' and view 'My Threads' to show who has replied to threads we are currently involved in. Sheesh, newbies. When you compound your gutlessness with your ignorance, you are really giving New Yorkers a bad name.

From reading this thread, it appears that you are the one with an agenda. What manufacturer do you represent, that your trying to discredit Audio Horizons? Or are you really just as stupid as you appear?


Amen to that brother. You should have left it up yesterday.
Don't you just love it when some of these audioreview rejects discover AudiogoN?
Kensetsu, you started this thread, so don't bury yourself with humility and embarassment

Too late!

ride it through or walk away, it makes you look silly.

That it does.
This is my first response to this thread, I pulled the TP2.0 out of the rack and took the picture, let me know your email and I will sent you the picture.

I own the Josphe products (IC and Power cord) and I like them.

I'll add my 2cents to this line. I just wrote my first ever post on the main Audio Horizon thread as I'm now auditioning a demo 2.0 preamp and like many of these others, have decided to buy his new 2.1. I've tried quite a few preamps and I think this has the best of the traits I like, sweet sounding yet with a great deal of detail. My last 15 years of work was in the Army in Audiology and running the Hearing Conservation Program so I know how good my hearing is and I'm not affiliated with AH. I've tested literally 10s of thousands of soldiers and family members so I'm quite familiar with how beeping tones do not show the true measure of hearing abilities, there's many other things at work in the system so you just have to find the sound you like, so hopefully the individual that started this thread will try an AH preamp. Go ahead, try it, I think you'll like it.