Audio Horizon Preamp

I've read glowing reviews from anonymous users about the audio horizon preamp. Unfortunately, we all know that some of these reviews may not even be real. Does anyone know if there are any audio publications that have tried this preamp. Surely, a preamp that's outperforming preamps at three times it's price should be drawing the attention of Stereophile and the like. Don't you think?

Showing 1 response by baranyi

I can understand your fears. I once got sucked into another thread for a linestage. I found out that there was nothing special at all about it. I even visited the designer to find out for sure and was completely underwhelmed. Many of the people on this thread have been around for quite a long time. In fact, I almost bought Grannyring's Supertek Syrah about three years ago. I remember him writing that he like his CJ preamp more which led to him selling the Supratek. I currently still own a Supratek Chenin but have been reading this thread and others about the new Melody preamp from China with interest. People listen very differntly when it comes to audio. You can only decide with your own ears in your own system what sounds good to you. Thank goodness that the Supratek Chenin worked out! Best of luck. Bob