Audio Friends Don't Let Audio Friends ...

Your fellow audiophile who always had a system you enjoyed

makes a significant change in gear. You find it to be a major

downgrade in SQ in one way or another.


You know the person does not have a trial period covering the new purchase. 



Do you tell them exactly how you feel about the change

or simply smile thinking- everyone hears differently so 

you should not provide a true statement of your feelings?


How have you treated this situation in the past?




Showing 1 response by russ69

Depends on a number of issues. If it's a good friend, with plenty of budget, and a top tier sound system, I'll say what I hear but I'll also ask what he/she thinks. . For someone with a lessor system I might say...Have you thought about maybe getting a (fill in the blank) or trying (fill in the blank). But if it's truly awful and just not different, yeah I'm going to say exactly that.