Audio Friends Don't Let Audio Friends ...

Your fellow audiophile who always had a system you enjoyed

makes a significant change in gear. You find it to be a major

downgrade in SQ in one way or another.


You know the person does not have a trial period covering the new purchase. 



Do you tell them exactly how you feel about the change

or simply smile thinking- everyone hears differently so 

you should not provide a true statement of your feelings?


How have you treated this situation in the past?




Showing 3 responses by asvjerry beverages at a 'indulgences at ones' preferences...*G*

It's a difficult query to reply to: "So, how does that sound?"

It's comes down to situation and any sort of familiarity with what you've been presented.....the room, the level of equipment, and what was just played.

"Sounds good..." is the soul of basic diplomacy. :)
Beyond that: Smooth road with pitchforks, ;)

Tread careful, J's probably just had a 'Depends Moment'....😏

If friend is a 'phile that you've 'experienced' his array multiple times AND been queried "What'ya think?" before (and not come to blows over it) is a place where a succinct analysis is expected.

If friend is not of the above....a little trepidation on your part on resorting to details of the ducks' walk may make for repeated sessions...or not.

I haven't been asked for an detailed opinion for nearly 2 decades now.
Currently, I seem to live in an area that lacks 'obvious 'philes' ( if such exists; there's a bit of 'pro audio' about, just as 'clannish' as 'philes in some ways...).

Nearest 'audio club' seems to be in Raleigh, a 4 hr. r/t...and doesn't answer emails when last attempted....I suppose they've all gone deaf or dead...*L*