Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 

Millercarbon, please stop being mean to people on here. Belittling others is not okay, my man.
I’m pretty sure I understand why you do it, but that doesn’t make it okay.

This is a hobby site, we’re not building jet airplane engines. Nobody should be subjected to abuse for asking a question.
+1 bflood
If a forum topic doesn't interest me, I don't read or comment on it. Saves me time. 
I'll post as a retailer (not audio) and someone who is looking to upgrade. While I'm doing curbside pickup as a retailer, none of my customers have asked me for "deals". As a consumer I have reached out to a few audio dealers to spend around $700 and in all cases was offered enticing discounts.