Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 


Showing 2 responses by kren0006

It’s a fair question. No need to get all philosophical about it. What I’ve seen is that local brick and mortar dealers, especially those that are shut down due to stay at home orders, are willing to discount perhaps more than normal if contacted (most available by email, even if closed).

I have picked up some pieces that I’d been eying for awhile in last month. Prefer not to mention the dealers but I’d look more to local, hifi dealers (who can certainly use the support, especially if shut down temporarily) and see if you can help support them in this trying time. Often, the manufacturers will drop ship directly to your house, or alternatively curbside pickup at the store. Safe, from a virus and distancing perspective.

To be honest, it’s helped me deal with the uncertainty of the times, and I know it has helped the dealers too. Life goes on, gotta adjust to the circumstances.... You might just find that for any number of reasons (available discount, desire to support local hifi dealers, comfort/satisfaction/return-to-somewhat-normalcy in upgrading your system with additional time to listen, etc.) that this is the perfect time to pull the trigger on something you’d been considering ...
You quoted me, and I detect the sarcasm; that's fine.  Sometimes when a dealer gives you a really great deal, you are doing them a favor by not thereafter blabbing about it, if you know what I mean...  That's why I said what I said, which was as much as I was comfortable saying.